Term Dates

Academic Year 2023-24

12023Monday 4th September
All students
Friday 20th October
22023Monday 6th NovemberWednesday 20th December
Bank Holidays- Monday 25th Tuesday 26th December 2023, Monday 1st 2024
32024Wednesday 3rd JanuaryFriday 9th February
42024Monday 19th FebruaryThursday 28th March
Bank Holidays- Friday 29th March, Monday 1st April, Monday 6th May
52024Monday 15th AprilFriday 24th May
Bank Holidays- Monday 27th May 2023
62024Monday 3rd June Tuesday 23rd July

The academy will be closed for students on the following days for staff training:

  • Friday 1st September 2023 – Staff INSET day
  • Friday 24th November – Trust INSET Day
  • Wednesday 24th July 2024
  • Thursday 25th July 2024
  • Friday 26th July 2024

Academic Year 2024-25

12024Tuesday 3rd September
Y7 and Y11 students only (Y8, Y9 and Y10 at home)
2024Wednesday 4th September
Y7, Y10 and Y11 students only (Y8 and Y9 at home)
2024Thursday 5th September
Y7, Y9, Y10 and Y11 students only (Y8 at home)
2024Friday 6th September
All students from all years
Friday 18th October
22024Monday 4th NovemberThursday 19th December
Bank Holidays
Wednesday 25th December, Thursday 26th December 2024 & Wednesday 1st January 2025
32025Monday 6th JanuaryFriday 14th February
42025Monday 24th FebruaryFriday 4th April
Bank Holidays
Friday 18th April, Monday 21st April, Monday 5th May & Monday 26th May 2025
52025Tuesday 22nd AprilFriday 23rd May
62025Monday 2nd JuneFriday 25th July

The Academy Staff Training days are:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024 – Staff INSET day
  • OAT INSET day – Monday 24th February 2024
  • Monday 28th July 2025
  • Tuesday 29th July 2025
  • Wednesday 30th July 2025


Academic Year 2025-26

12025Tuesday 2nd September
All Students
Friday 24th October
22025Monday 10th NovemberFriday 19th December
Bank Holidays
Thursday 25th December, Friday 26th December 2025 & Wednesday 1st January 202
32026Monday 5th JanuaryFriday 13th February
42026Tuesday 24th FebruaryThursday 2nd April
Bank Holidays
Friday 3rd April, Monday 6th April
52026Tuesday 20th AprilFriday 22nd May
62026Monday 1st JuneThursday 23rd July
Bank Holidays
Monday 4th May & Monday 25th May 2026

The Academy Staff Training days are:

  • Monday 1st September 2025 – Staff INSET day
  • Monday 23rd February 2026- Staff INSET day
  • Friday 24th July 2026
  • Monday 27th July 2026
  • Tuesday 28th July 2026

Leave of Absence

Dear Parents / Carers

The Department for Education statutory guidance on school attendance state that the Principal may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

At Ormiston Maritime Academy we aim to achieve a good attendance through working in partnership with staff, pupils, parents, governors and the Education Welfare Service.

I would recommend that parents discuss leave of absence requests due to exceptional circumstances with myself as any absences from school can result in children falling behind with their school work.

Thank you for your support

Yours sincerely

C Robson, Principal