Careers Guidance

Caitlin Brewitt (CATCH) – Enterprise Adviser

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance(CEIAG)

At Ormiston Maritime Academy, we believe that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation, and overcoming barriers to success. We are committed to delivering high quality CEIAG which empowers pupils to make informed career decisions.

Our goal is to equip all our pupils with the necessary skills to adapt to an ever-changing economic climate, inspiring them to become life-long career learners. This is achieved through a comprehensive programme of activities that spans Year 7 through Year 11, and is based on the nationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks.

Click here for the DfE Guidance for careers guidance and access for education and training providers. 

Click here for a useful link for parents and careers of students considering an apprenticeship

Specific Careers Information

You can view an array of details from photos to events for specific year groups, for parents there is information events and links to labour market information, and for businesses there is information about events and partnerships which you may be able to support with. Please get in touch if you would like to be part of the Ormiston Maritime Academy careers journey.

Careers Guidance

All students have access to a fully qualified careers advisor at the Academy. Every student will receive at least one appointment before they leave the academy in Year 11, though we expect that most students will have an appointment in Year 10, and the opportunity for a follow up in Year 11. All appointments will last between 30 minutes-1 hour dependent on needs. Any student who would like to book a careers guidance appointment should contact their Progress Lead, Personal Tutor, or the Careers Lead (Miss Thornton), who will arrange an appointment.

Careers Curriculum

Ormiston Maritime Academy has acareers progression framework that challenges and encourages students to make informed decisions which ensures they are fully prepared to pursue their future educational and career aspirations. Students will have Careers Journey folders which they will populate throughout their 5 years at OMA.

Each year group has a theme that the students will focus on. Themes have been created with the Gatsby Benchmark in mind.

Learner Entitlement

Year AimMeasurable OutcomeProvision
To develop yourself, your strengths and areas to develop
To understand the labour market information in the area
CDI: Grow throughout life
– Students can identify their strengths and areas to develop (e.g. skills, personality traits etc.)
– Students to have completed Skillsbuilder passports to make connections between the curriculum and the world of work
– Students can explain links between Careers and Curriculum
– Personal Development sessions
– Skillsbuilder Passports
– The Ormiston Maritime Academy Careers Fair
– Learning 4 Life curriculum within the academy

Learner Entitlement

Year AimMeasurable OutcomeProvision
To be introduced to and develop an understanding of the world of work and how it is constantly changing
CDI: Explore possibilities
– To have meaningful encounters with employers through the Careers Fair
– For staff to provide explicit curriculum links to labour market information (LMI)
– Students to have completed Skillsbuilder passports to make connections between the curriculum and the world of work
– Students can explain links between Careers and Curriculum
– Personal Development sessions
– Skillsbuilder Passports
– The Ormiston Maritime Academy Careers Fair
– Provider Access Policy – UTC Assembly
– Learning 4 Life curriculum within the academy

Learner Entitlement

Year AimMeasurable OutcomeProvision
To develop research skills through the investigation of a range of career pathways (e.g. jobs, careers, Further and Higher Education etc.)
CDI: Manage career
CDI: Balance life and work
CDI: Manage career

CDI: Balance life and work
– Students to have meaningful encounters with employers/further and higher education/apprenticeship providers through the Careers Fair
– Students to be provided careers support in order to support Key Stage 4 options process
– Students to have investigated at least one from a job, career, apprenticeship or Further/Higher Education provider
– Students to understand how their investigation can impact on their future social mobility (lifestyle, financial status, work/life balance etc.)
– Students can explain links between Careers and Curriculum
– Personal Development sessions
– Skillsbuilder Passports
– The Ormiston Maritime Academy Careers Fair
– Provider Access Policy – UTC Assembly
– Learning 4 Life curriculum within the academy

Learner Entitlement

Year AimMeasurable OutcomeProvision
To develop the qualities and skills which enable learners to improve their employability
CDI: Explore possibilities
CDI: Manage career
CDI: Explore possibilities

CDI: Manage career
– Students to have completed a CV form and cover letter based on latest employee thinking
– Students to have undertaken an interview process with self-reflection
– Students to engage in work experience opportunities to support future application process
– Students to have meaningful encounters with employers/further and higher education/apprenticeship providers through the Careers Fair
– Students can explain links between Careers and Curriculum
– Personal Development sessions
– FE/HE (decision-making and opportunities post 16 and 18) sessions
– Policy – HOP
– Provider Access Policy – YPSS
– Assemblies to launch work experience week
– 1 to 1 Careers Guidance Appointment
– Experience of a Workplace programme
– The Lincolnshire Careers Fair (Grimsby Auditorium)
– Learning 4 Life curriculum within the academy

Learner Entitlement

Year AimMeasurable OutcomeProvision
To develop students’ abilities to identify choices and opportunities and then actively plan and make informed decisions
CDI: Career opportunities
CDI: Explore possibilities
CDI: See the big picture
– Students to have meaningful encounters with employers/further and higher education/apprenticeship providers through the Careers Fair
– Students to be provided with careers guidance to support post 16 opportunities
– Students to complete a career action plan to support them in making an informed decision regarding post-16 opportunities
– Personal Development sessions
– FE/HE (decision-making and opportunities post 16 and 18) sessions
– Policy – HOP
– Provider Access Policy – YPSS
– 1 to 1 Careers Guidance Appointment
– Learning 4 Life curriculum within the academy

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Academy’s careers curriculum is grounded in the Gatsby Benchmarks, which are eight benchmarks which serve as a framework for improvement in careers provision. The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

For more information on the Gatsby Benchmarks, please follow this link: Gatsby Benchmarks

CDI Framework

In addition to meeting the Gatsby benchmarks, the Academy also utilises the CDI Framework, which clarifies the skills, knowledge and attitudes that our careers curriculum seeks to develop, in order for our learners to have positive careers. The CDI Framework outlines the learning outcomes that our career development programme is aiming to bring about. These learning aims are sustained and progressive throughout a student’s time at the academy. These are mapped to six learning areas:

 For more information on the CDI Framework, please follow this link: CDI

Meet the Careers Team

Miss V Thornton – Careers Lead

T: 01472 310015
E: [email protected]

Mrs E Sims – SLT Link

T: 01472 310015
E: [email protected]

Mrs P Scott – Governor Link

T: 01472 310015

Rachel Crowder – Careers Advisor

E: [email protected]

Paula Thompson – Careers Advisor

E: [email protected]

Katie Tune – Careers Advisor

E: [email protected]

2024/25 Careers Strategy

You can download the academy’s 2024/25 careers strategy below.

How we Measure & Assess the Impact of the Careers Programme

We regularly request feedback from parents, pupils, local further education and apprenticeship providers and employers to ensure that we are continually improving our careers programme, which is updated annually. Teaching staff and tutors are involved in the delivery of the careers programme and also provide support on careers off-timetable days ensuring that they are able to make the link between curriculum subjects and careers.

In year 11 all our pupils will complete a “What Next” proforma to inform us of their intended destination which is tracked through Compass+. In addition to this, the data enables us to monitor our pupil destinations and the number of students who progress into various post-16 opportunities. Close links with providers enables them to provide follow-up information, which serves to monitor drop-out rates from destinations. These factors are taken into consideration when reviewing the CEIAG programme.